I am writing to you concerning an upcoming event at Hogwarts, the Dis-Arming Tournament. The tournament and rules are being all planned out, and we are excited to start this week-long tournament very soon. Because the brackets and rules are being made, we need feedback from every Mount Vernon Muggle! Please email myself at htodd@student.mountvernonschool.org and Rita Skeeter at hzenas@student.mountvernonschool.org (emailing the both of us saves us from having to forward the emails around) and tell us
- your current wand status
- if you have made a wand
- if you plan to make a wand in the coming weeks before the tournament
- if you would like Rita or myself to make you a wand to use in the tournament
- desire to participate
- a simple yes or no will suffice
- pairing requests
- each person will be put into a pair and try to disarm the other of that pair, so if there is a specific person you would like to be paired with, let us know
We are looking forward to this fun event (and suggest that in preparation, you practice the enunciation of expelliarmus in a fashion that would please even Hermione).
Yours truly,
Betty Braithwaite
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