The Rules of Dueling

The Rules of Dueling
The Do’s, The Don’ts, and the other such things for witches and wizards in training
Congratulations! You are about to embark on the wonderful hobby of Dueling! This is very popular in the Wizarding World; play for kids, training for students, and a way to find compromise among adult witches and wizards world-wide. However, as you are a magical muggle in training, here are the guidelines to safe and fun dueling!
v Under no circumstances can you use any of the three Unforgivable Curses (the Cruciatus Curse, the Imperious Curse, and the Killing Curse). If you are caught using these spells, 100 points will be taken from your house.
v Don’t abuse the spells or your wands! Wands are made for casting spells, not poking each other with! And feel free to try as many spells as you want, and if you wish to create your own, do it (but get it approved first)!
v You can practice magic outside of school, but still do not use any of the Unforgivable Curses!
v Have fun!
Now that the guidelines are laid out, this is how we shall duel:
v Form Groups of Four, two from either house
v Two people, one from each house, will prepare to duel while the other two will mediate to determine winners, points, and any foul play.
v The two dueling will bow, do the cool swishy thing, turn and walk 4 paces, and hold up their wands. Count to three and then cast your spell.
v Certain spells beat other spells, and 5 points will be awarded to whoever wins. Counter curses negate effects of opposing spell, but do not count for points. If it is a draw or there is no clear winner, they will duel again. Also, if one person casts their spell with a clear 2 second lead, they win that round.
v The duelers will rotate with the mediators. Each group will have to keep track of their own points.
v The overall winner will be whichever house earns the most points by the end of the duel and will be awarded however many points they earned, unless otherwise told.

**There are two sets of dueling spells- One for group dueling and the other for double**

*In the case that after three re-duels there is no clear winner, duelers will revert to the three main spells; Expelliarmus, Confuno, and Stupefy. Then will proceed by counting to three and only casting one of these three spells until the winner arises*

The Spells
Aguamenti (Aguamenti Charm)
Description: Produces a jet of water from the caster's wand.
Description: This charm creates a flock of birds from the caster's wand. When coupled with Oppugno, it can be used offensively.
Confringo (Blasting Curse)
Description: Causes anything that the spell meets to explode in flames.
Confundo (Confundus Charm)
Description: Causes the victim to become confused, befuddled, overly forgetful and prone to follow simple orders without thinking about them.
Description: Causes the teeth of the recipient to grow at an alarming rate.
Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)
Description: This spell is used to disarm another wizard, typically by causing the victim's wand to fly out of reach
Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse)
Description: Causes the target to become covered in boils.

Impedimenta (Impediment Jinx, Impediment Curse)
Description: This powerful spell is capable of tripping, freezing, binding, knocking back and generally impeding the target's progress towards the caster. The extent to which the spell's specific action can be controlled by the caster is not made clear. If this spell does bind, it does eventually wear off
Impervius (Impervius Charm)
Description: This spell makes something repel (literally, become impervious to) substances and outside forces, including water.
Description: Ties someone or something up with ropes.
Description: Produces fire.[10] Flames burst out flying.
Description: Glues the victim's tongue to the roof of his/her mouth. Created by Severus Snape.
Description: The victim is dangled upside-down by one of his/her ankles, sometimes accompanied by a flash of white light.[14] Created by Severus Snape. Its counter curse is Liberacorpus.

Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse)
Description: Locks the legs together, preventing the victim from moving the legs in any fashion. The target can hop when affected by this curse, but walking is impossible without the countercurse
Description: Lifts a body a few inches off the ground and levitates it where the caster points his or her wand
Description: Causes a blindfold to appear over the victim's eyes, obstructing his/her view of his/her surroundings.
Description: Causes conjured objects to attack.
Petrificus Totalus (Body-Bind Curse)
Description: Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; this spell does not restrict breathing or seeing, and the victim will usually fall to the ground.

Protego (Shield Charm)
Description: The Shield Charm causes minor to strong jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, or at least prevents them from having their full effect. It can also cause a shield to erupt from the caster's wand.
Rictusempra (Tickling Charm)
Description: The subject experiences the sensation of being tickled
Description: Conjures a serpent from the spell caster’s wand.
Stupefy (Stunning Spell, Stupefying Charm, Stunner)
Description: Puts the victim in an unconscious state. Manifests as a jet of red light.
Description: Makes victim's legs dance uncontrollably, so the victim cannot control his or her movements

What Spells Beat What: **For Group Dueling Only**


Avis Oppugno

-Avis Oppugno





-Locomotor Mortis




-Petrificus Totalus

Locomotor Mortis


-Avis Oppugno

Petrificus Totalus
-Locomotor Mortis

-Shields all spells but
earns no points





Doubles Dueling Spell List

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