Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dis-Arming Tournament

Greetings witches and wizards!
I am writing to you concerning an upcoming event at Hogwarts, the Dis-Arming Tournament. The tournament and rules are being all planned out, and we are excited to start this week-long tournament very soon. Because the brackets and rules are being made, we need feedback from every Mount Vernon Muggle! Please email myself at and Rita Skeeter at (emailing the both of us saves us from having to forward the emails around) and tell us

  • your current wand status
    • if you have made a wand
    • if you plan to make a wand in the coming weeks before the tournament
    • if you would like Rita or myself to make you a wand to use in the tournament
  • desire to participate
    • a simple yes or no will suffice
  • pairing requests
    • each person will be put into a pair and try to disarm the other of that pair, so if there is a specific person you would like to be paired with, let us know
We are looking forward to this fun event (and suggest that in preparation, you practice the enunciation of expelliarmus in a fashion that would please even Hermione). 

Yours truly,
Betty Braithwaite 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today is the day of love, and wizards and witches alike are avid celebrators of this sappy holiday. Luckily for these magical folk, they have plenty of ways to celebrate! Here are a few of the most famous wizarding Valentine traditions: 

Amortentia- the most powerful love potion of them all! 
    Amortentia is the world's most potent love potion and attracts everyone by an aroma they find most desirable. This potion causes unbreakable infatuation and obsession to the drinker. Here are simple instructions on how to whip up a batch and slip it to your crush:) 
1/2 cup of either Sprite or Ginger Ale (depending on the drinker's preference) 
1/4 tsp of vanilla extract 
1/4 cup of fruit juice (cranberry, OJ, etc. again depending on the drinker's preference) 
1/4 cup of cold tea (green, passion, or orange blossom, depending on drinker's preference)
 Fresh fruit, ice cubes (optional-with fruit in it), or tiny umbrella 
mix ingredients together, and tada:) ready for your love!
                        ***See what Amortentia would smell like to you at the links' bar!!!***

OR-Use the Orchideos spell to transfigure your crush a bouquet of flowers! 

Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!

Cookin' Up Cauldrons!

All wizards and witches in training need a cauldron to begin their studies in the subtle science and exact art of potion making. And what better way to understand the subject than to make your own cauldron!? The Mt. Vernon Muggles on Tuesday February 12th and Wednesday February 13th got their hands dirty while creating their very own and unique cauldrons. Many of the fledglings had never thrown a pot on the potter's wheel before, but caught hang of it real quick! Some potions' researchers have found that if one were to make the cauldron that they use, their concoctions are 42% more effective. However, it is also believed that the efficiency of homemade cauldrons depends on the right coating, so the Mt. Vernon Muggles will have to venture back to the art room after their cauldrons have been fired to glaze them all beautifully! All in all, the Mt. Vernon Muggles have proven themselves to be great potential potion masters, true "potters" (get it?), and great creative thinkers (haha see what I did there?)!!! Yet another great day in the secret world of magic in a muggle world. Keep on keeping on!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Harry Potter on Ukulele

This. Is. Incredible.... there are no other words...


If anyone is interested in starting a Harry Potter band (name to be determined), please answer the survey at the bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Fledgling Duel Lesson!

Great day for all wizards and witches in training in the Mt Vernon Muggle's club! First time dueling and everyone is excelling and having loads of fun! Everyone maintained the proper dueling courtesies, exceeded in casting spells, and even began to practice style and technique. We learned that after casting three spells with no official result, that we would turn to three major spells; Expelliarmus, Confundo, and Stupefy. These spells will test the aptitude and skill of the duelers where an ultimate victor will rise. All in all, the first fledgling duel lesson went incredibly well and we cannot wait until next Thursday when Gryffindor and Slytherin face off! 
                                                      Read on, 
                                                                                                                Reeta Skeeter

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Welcome to the Daily Prophet

Welcome to The Daily Prophet, Magical Muggle Edition. This is the digital version of our weekly wizarding newspaper, where you can catch up on the happenings of the wizarding world, updates for the Mt Vernon Muggles, and other odds and ends of the lives of magical folk. Upcoming articles include The Rules of Dueling, Best Butterbeer Recipies, News of the Triwizard Tournament, and the Wonders of Wand-Making. So keep checking in to be in-the-know of the Wizarding World around you!